Sand blasting Machine Cabinet is another type of sand blasting machine which has a cabinet and is a closed form of the machine. In which there is no use of Sand Blasting Safety Equipments. In this closed part blasting of contaminants as well as recycled takes place. There are various other methods which are included like cleaning, recycling as well as the collection of dust materials. In this method, the operator does not require to take any safety measures as blasting is going to take place in the closed cabinet. Even it is a cost-efficient method as abrasive media used in the process can be reused again and again.
This is more similar to the Blast Cabinet in functionalities but this is the bigger in size of that as in this the operations are performed in a room and their recycling system is too powerful than that of Blast Cabinet System. In this method, the operator needs to be present in the room with all the precautions undertaken like safety equipment, Sand blasting helmet, Sand blasting shoes, Sand blasting gloves, etc. In this method also we can re-use the abrasive media again and again as it could be collected from the floor of the sand blasting room.
NOTE: cabinets eliminates the requirement of Safety Equipment like Sand blasting Helmet, Sand blasting Shoes, Sand blasting Gloves, etc.
Shot Blaster is the leading manufacturer, supplier, and exporter of different types of sand blasting machine which is used for a variety of metals for cleaning, finishing, and smoothing. Also provide air blast equipment for precision surface finishing of all shapes and sizes.